Getting ready to launch a new little blog

So I need a place to write and put my photos. We are going on a little adventure Up North soon.
We haven't been on an adventure in awhile. This one will not be long -- but it feels like a change of pace and scenery and climate. I'd like to see how and what I would write if I were to blog it as we go along. I'm becoming too paranoid on Facebook to write without self consciousness. Maybe I have too many "friends".

Even though this blog is public, I don't suspect it will develop a following. But I welcome readers and comments! No secrets here.

I'm putting the photo from the Kennedy Space Center up there for this 1st post because we visited the center on the Tuesday after Labor Day. We hadn't been there in awhile, and were delighted with the blend of mystery and science. Outer space. It's a good photo for starting something.

I don't want to fuss much with the layout of this blog, so I'm sticking to all the recommended colors and fonts.

This blog is officially launched. 
